Our Services
SOCOT is one of the most important Romanian companies in dam engineering, with an impressive portfolio of projects. We have a tradition of almost 50 years in the construction of dams and water tunnels, as well as in the execution of river regulation works, drinking water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, irrigation and drainage systems.
Dams | River engineering | Wastewater | Drinking water treating plants | Irigations and drainage

SOCOT is specialized in the construction of roads and bridges and has contributed over the years to the sustainable development of the national infrastructure. We build efficient and reliable transport networks. We connect people and communities in a responsible and sustainable way.
Civil engineering
Each building has its role and its own technical requirements, depending on its destination, position and architectural features. Our buildings are environmentally friendly and appropriate to ensure a healthy living and working environment. We build communities for people to thrive, deliver sustainable projects on time and meet the allocated budgets.